It’s Not Work

The cliche goes “it’s not work if you love what you do.” While I don’t subscribe completely to that ideology, I do strongly believe you’ll be willing to put up with more nonsense and bureaucracy if you enjoy your job. And on that same token, if you know what your dream job is, it doesn’t matter how good any other job is. I once described it to someone as having a pool of acid surrounded by a shield. The acid was my dissatisfaction with not being a full time comedian, and the shield was whatever job I was in. If it was a good job, the shield was thicker and would last longer, but eventually it was always going to fail and I would be unhappy.

What I want you to do is use this time. Whether your fully or partially quarantined, use the time you have to find a job that you’ll actually enjoy. Sit back, spend some time figuring out what you really want to do, and how to get there. Many of us are out of work right now, but even if you aren’t, things are changing. Many industries are going to be hiring when this all ends, and if you don’t like your current job, you don’t have to go back to it. So spend some time thinking about what would make you happy. Once you know that, figure out the steps you’ll need to take to make that a reality. Update your resume, write a couple of cover letters to prospective employers. If you’re all set on that, maybe help a friend with theirs.

The biggest obstacles to finding new work are time and fear. It can be hard to find the time to submit resumes when you’re working full time. You (usually) can’t do it at work, and it’s hard to find the motivation after a long day unless you REALLY hate your job. And if you hate your job that much, you’re probably already on the hunt. But now you’ve got an extra 8 hours a day for an indeterminate amount of time. So us that time productively. You can’t just sit and watch movies or play video games all day. Obviously you can do some of that, and you should. It’s equally important to do things you like to stay positive. But definitely make sure you do something productive if you can. And if you’re not happy with your job, that’s the best way to be productive.

To that same end, I’ve used my time. I registered to go back to school for the summer semester, I’ve done a lot of writing, and I finally finished my album. I’m very excited to announce my album release date will be April 25. I’ll have a presale on the website soon, and it’ll be on iTunes as well. Thank you all for the support you’ve given and continue to give, you rock.


April Fool’s

